Our FREE treks are for corporate and or charity clients who are booked onto an event or for previous clients who wish to join us too.
If you want to come along and join us and are not taking part in a charity fundraising event or part of a company event or you haven't taken part in a paid for event prior, the charges are as follows:
Adult (16 years or over) £30.00 pp
Child (under 16) Free of charge
The FREE treks are designed and built into our annual activity schedule to provide:
• Advice on the event that you wish to take part in.
• Advice on clothing, footwear, rucksacks, or another item that is needed to complete your challenge.
• Advice on preparedness.
• Advice on staying local or travelling in.
• Advice on getting fit for the event.
• Advice on sport recovery from training.
• Advice on nutrition for your event.
• Questions and answers - anything remotely linked to the event we aim to assist you with.
To give you a route that will often have one, all or a combination of the following:
Steep hill/s - Forest trails - Rivers/streams - stunning locations with parking / access.
The dates for our FREE treks 2024
Location TBA = details of where we be, timings etc. TO BE ADVISED on here or on our Facebook page. Search for overlimits: Facebook (click on the link)
• April 06th
• April 20th
• June 08th
• May 06th
• Aug 03rd
• Aug 17th
All FREE treks will be circa 10 miles.
For kit list see the question listed under participants.
You will be sent a comprehensive kit list that is tailored for the event that you are taking part in.
It will be within your joining instructions.
For those who wish to come along and join us on any of our FREE treks this is what you should have with you / wear etc. Before you join us always check weather forecast and carry appropriate equipment.
Kit list - generic
Getting lost is far from unusual and happens often.
Getting lost is not always the problem – not being able to recover from being lost often can be.
Here are a few hints and tips to get you on your way safely.
Stop – do not go any further
Stay calm, getting lost happens
Establish location if possible
Create a plan and once you have a plan, communicate it to all.
Keep your group together
Ensure a mobile phone is on at all times, switch off those not needed - conserve battery power.
Call 999 ask for Mountain Rescue and follow their instruction
iPhone users download SARLOC (MR will use it to locate you)
Conduct a resources check, food, clothing and water shared equally.
Identify a location that Mountain Rescue can access
Check available daylight and use that time wisely
Find a place to stay safe overnight should you be benighted
Ensure emergency kit, torch and spare batteries are easily accessible
Take a compass bearing to your last known position
Use 6 whistle blasts per min for rescue, heard replies are 3 blasts
To send a TEXT to 999 Send the word “register” to 999 You will receive a message about the service.
When you have read the message, reply with ‘yes’ (in a text message to 999) You will receive a further message confirming registration
If sending someone for help always send at least 2 people and ensure no one is left on their own.
Torchlight – as per whistle blasts, flash the light 6 times per minute.
If rescued by helicopter shine the light onto the ground not at the helicopter.
Remain calm, remain focused and remain positive.
Want to improve your personal and professional results? Overlimits can help you achieve your goals. Contact us and let us know what we can do for you.