The answer is to merge services - to have both outdoor event services and corporate services under one new and unique brand.

  • A West Yorkshire based business consultancy that specialises in:

    • Outdoor event management solutions, training and coaching interventions.
    • We co-create events or you can use existing ones.
    • We ensure that the legal aspects of event management are covered.
    • We make sure that our staff deliver to the highest standards.
    • We do everything possible to give participants and supporters a great experience.
    • We take our outdoor leadership skills to the corporate world and embed it in those who wish to deliver exceptional leadership.

Create memories…

If you want to provide your staff with a reachable challenge that:

  • Strengthen company brand.
  • Enhances staff health and well-being.
  • Raises money towards good causes.

We have plenty of ideas and all the skills needed to deliver an awesome event.

Solo timings – fastest completer Team timings – fastest teams’ Highest points – team challenges won Team achieve – completing a challenge as a team can often be more than enough.

Achieve – funkiest, brightest, most hilarious…

We believe that our UK wide challenges should be tough enjoyable and underwritten with safety in mind.

We take our event management responsibilities very seriously – if we do not think that we can deliver a safe enough event, we will tell you.

Too much fun, toughness and even too much safety can often spoil an event too.

Safety is not subjective – legally we must do everything to satisfy our responsibilities and aim to do so.

Finding the right balance is essential.

Lesson number 1… the weather is unpredictable despite the predictions!

The UK’s weather can cause mayhem even with the best-laid plans and ruin the most well-planned event 

Despite over 60 large water-filled barrels holding it down a huge marquee for 500 people from another event company was ripped up and thrown across the field 300 metres, their event had to be postponed. 

  • Pre-event fitness and health check
  • Emergency procedures rigorously checked.
  • Technology – walkie talkies/mobiles tested to their limit.
  • Finding the right balance between risk, fun and safety means having a conversation about what you really want from your event and arriving at a place that you, your board of directors and your staff are not only in agreement with but excited by too.

let’s discuss possibility.

Call the number below or email [email protected]

Upon receipt of your email we shall discuss the feasibility of your event and whether we can deliver it or not.  

If we agree that it is feasible we will then send you a booking form.

When we receive a digitally signed booking form, your event is guaranteed.  

Taking part in overlimits events

Definitions of these terms and conditions:

A. The company means “overlimits” which delivers services that are advertised on this website.

B. The Customer means any person, firm, company or other legal entity which places an order or buys any products or services from the company and includes the employees, servants, agents or sub-contractors of any such person, firm company or other legal entity.

C. Service means any course, accommodation, event, or facility offered by the company.

D. Contract means a contract between the company and the customer for the provision of products or services.

E. Statutory Interest means statutory interest for the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

F. Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions of provision.

Applicability of terms and conditions

G. These terms and conditions shall be incorporated into the contract and shall apply in place of and prevail over any terms and conditions contained or referred to in any communication from the customer or implied by custom or practice.

H. Other terms and conditions are expressly rejected by the company.


1. The contract shall be formed when the company acknowledges acceptance of the customer’s booking form and / or required pre-event engagement payment if verbally agreed. 

1.a Billable participants: The contracted minimum number of participants will be invoiced and forms a contractual agreement.


1.b Contracted numbers may be changed at anytime in writing but not within 30 days of the event taking part.  

2. All participants must fill in a medical declaration either with the company or through its event partner/s.

All bookings are on the basis that the customer will, always, observe the safety regulations set by the company.

3. The contract is subject to availability of a course/event/activity place/date and the acceptance by the customer of these terms and conditions.

4. All participants must be over the age of 16 unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

5. Any participant under the age of 16 years must have the permission of his/her parent/guardian with legal responsibility before being able to take part in any activity/course offered by the company. The parent/guardian with legal responsibility needs to be aware and accept the risks involved in adventure activities and satisfy themselves accordingly. Participants under 16 years must be accompanied by a parent/guardian with legal responsibility who must participate in the same course or event / activity.

6. All overlimits challenges, events and activities are physically demanding, and it is your responsibility or that of your clients to ensure that you/they have the appropriate level of fitness and good health to participate. 

Customers must know that accidents and risk to health / personal safety / injury can happen. The medical declaration must be signed by those taking part as it has a section relating to risk and personal responsibility. 


1. If you have any medical conditions which could be adversely affected by exercise, particularly a heart condition or diabetes, or if you have any doubt about your health, you must get separate written clearance from your doctor which must be given to Overlimits before taking part in the event or activity.

2. If you declare a previous medical condition and are requested by Overlimits to get a doctor’s note to support your registration you must do so with at least 1 week before the event date (it can sometimes take that long to get one) unless a doctor’s note is provided Overlimits will not process your registration and you will not be permitted to take part in the event.

3. Failure to disclose the full details of any medical condition from which you suffer, or any changes that may arise prior to the date of the event may invalidate your insurance and may put our own support staff and mountain rescue teams at risk.

4. You agree to ensure that your registration, fitness, and medical declaration details are true and accurate at all times, and you undertake to update your registration details from time to time when they change. If we become aware that either your declaration is incorrect, we reserve the right to immediately cancel your registration and acceptance for registration in the future will be at our discretion and any fees paid will be retained by Overlimits.


1. The Company will not be liable where any failure in the performance of the Contract is due to: you; or a third party unconnected with the provision of the course and where the failure is unforeseeable or unavoidable; an event listed in these terms or any other unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond the Company’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised; or an event which the Company or its suppliers, even with all due care, could not foresee or forestall. The Company shall not be liable for any illness, injury or loss of life sustained on any course, except where such illness, injury or loss of life is caused by the negligence of the Company or its employees, nor will the Company be liable for any uninsured loss of personal property.


1. All participants must adhere to the safety instructions given by Overlimits (sent by email and or delivered verbally/nonverbally on the day of the event)

2. All participants are to attend any safety briefs before we start our event/s – it is your responsibility to be there and under no circumstances are you to start a walk/event without having had a safety briefing – to do so puts you and others at risk and you may be asked to not partake in the event.

3. Taking part in a Overlimits event without attending a safety brief will mean that Overlimits have no responsibility whatsoever for your welfare or safety. (Turning up late and simply “tagging along” is not allowed under any circumstances) a fee will be sought from the charity or client at the full price advertised for that event.

4. A team or individual walking or taking part in any of our events/activities should contact the organisers for advice, either by telephone or to seek advice from a route marshal or other overlimits staff member. We may issue you with a tracker and or other safety equipment including walkie talkies.

5. Any team or individual forced to retire should if possible do so at a staffed check point from where transport may be provided back to event HQ. Everyone who retires must report in person to the check-in at the event start and finish point.

6. At least two mobile phones must be carried by each walking team, and it is your responsibility to provide these. It is vital that the organisers know your whereabouts both during and at the end of the day/s. We use an online app for tracking teams, and you may be asked to download the app for us to do so. (You can remove it immediately after the event) any equipment issued is subject to the use of equipment section in these terms.

7. All walkers must declare any previous health related issues including any chest or other pains, heart, back, spinal, pregnancy, eye or disease related issues that may have affected them in some way or has the potential to surface during or shortly after any overlimits event.

Safety alcohol

1. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to undertake an event or activity whilst under the influence of alcohol or other substance. Anyone found to be suffering the effects of alcohol will not be permitted to take part.

Additional peoples – TAGGING ON

1. Under no conditions are relatives, friends, partners, or anyone else allowed to tag on or join the event without permission, registration, and a safety brief. Anyone found to be doing so will be asked to leave, we have no legal responsibility for them and will not accept any – choosing to remain will result in our seeking a fee from the charity or corporate client. 

Safety – location

1. Emergency (Cave and Mountain Rescue) services may be alerted after an initial search by overlimits.

2. Next of kin and or the missing persons mobile may be called. Best judgement will always be used to establish location and safe return.

3. You must always ensure that your mobile phone is safely protected from adverse weather, is switched on and not set on silent and that your password is removed on the day of the event.

4. overlimits may call to assist you or others and or to establish a precise location of you or others for safety reasons.


1. Please note that all cancellation clients will be offered an alternative date. No refunds will be provided.

Cancellations by Overlimits

1. We the company reserve the right to cancel an event due to unforeseen circumstances or unsuitable conditions. Where a course or event is cancelled, we will offer an alternative date. No refunds are provided unless at the discretion of Overlimits.

2. We reserve the right to cancel any “open” event due to poor attendance numbers, alternative dates will be given to those who may have paid and registered.

3. An exchange place may be available subject to the exchange person completing a booking form, there will also be alternative dates provided to the person cancelling subject to availability and is at the discretion of Overlimits.

4. The National 3 Peaks Challenge and Hadrian’s Wall Challenge events have non-refundable deposits and as such once a payment is made, there is no refund under any circumstances. 

Further liability

1. The company shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of any delay or failure in delivery of any of the courses or of any of the company’s other obligations due directly or indirectly to any cause whatsoever outside the reasonable control of the company including but not limited to act of God, war, invasion, rebellion, riot, civil commotion, disorder, malicious damage, fire, flood, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strikes or other industrial disputes, unusually severe weather or energy supplies.

Social Media, Photographs, and Video

1. Photographs video and social media images – by participating in this event you agree that any photos taken on the day may be used by Overlimits for marketing purposes.

2. All photos taken by event marshals / staff of Overlimits will be used for the purpose intended only.

3. You retain ownership of the intellectual property in that information however you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use (including copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, broadcast, transmit, display and distribute) the Content in all media including forms not yet developed.

4. Images of the event may be used in promotional material both online and in print. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know at least 24 hours before commencement of the event. We will respect your privacy and handle the situation in a tactful manner.

5. All images taken on this website are the ownership of overlimits and are not to be used without our prior permission. If images are used without our permission an invoice will be issued to reflect the corporate or market cost of a similar image with a minimum fee of £500.


1. This website (www.overlimits.co.uk) may from time to time contain hyperlinks to other websites. Such links are provided for convenience only and we take no responsibility for the content and maintenance of or privacy compliance by any linked website. Any hyperlink on our website to another website does not imply our endorsement, support, or sponsorship of the operator of that website nor of the information and/or products which they provide.

2. You may link our website without our consent. Any such linking will be entirely your responsibility and at your expense. By linking, you must not alter any of our website’s contents including any intellectual property notices and you must not frame or reformat any of our pages, files, images, text or other materials.

Intellectual Property Rights

1. The copyright to all content on this website including applets, graphics, images, layouts and text belongs to us or we have a license to use those materials.

2. All trademarks, brands and logos generally identified either with the symbols ™ or ® which are used on this website are either owned by us or we have a license to use them. Your access to our website does not license you to use those marks in any commercial way without our prior written permission.

3. Any comment, feedback, idea or suggestion (called “Comments”) which you provide to us through this website becomes our property. If in future we use your Comments in promoting our website or in any other way, we will not be liable for any similarities which may appear from such use. Furthermore, you agree that we are entitled to use your Comments for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without compensation to you or to any other person who has transmitted your Comments.

4. If you provide us with Comments, you acknowledge that you are responsible for the content of such material including its legality, originality, and copyright.


1. Whilst we take all due care in providing our services, we do not provide any warranty either express or implied including without limitation warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

2. To the extent permitted by law, any condition or warranty which would otherwise be implied into these terms and conditions is excluded.

3. We also take all due care in ensuring that our website is free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse and/or malware, however we are not responsible for any damage to your computer system which arises in connection with your use of our website or any linked website.

4. From time to time we may host third party content on our website such as advertisements and endorsements belonging to other traders. Responsibility for the content of such material rests with the owners of that material and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions in such material.

5. We manage all data collected in line with the regulations of the GDPR 2018.


1. The customer is responsible for the safekeeping of all equipment issued for use during the activity/course. Except for fair wear and tear the company reserves the right to charge for equipment that has been lost or misused and replaced with new items.

2. The customer is responsible for any damage or loss to or of equipment issued by Overlimits and will be responsible for its repair and or replacement purchase within 4 weeks of notification of loss/damage. At the 4 week point an invoice will be sent for repair or replacement of the item with small claims court proceedings issued should payment not be met within a reasonable period.

3. Overlimits is not liable for any loss or damage to personal items during an event.

4. Comfortable strong walking boots/shoes are recommended together with appropriate clothing to suit the conditions. (See the kit list page) – if in doubt contact us and we will advise.

Food and refreshments

1. Refreshment points are often located at intervals around the course of our events/routes; however, it is recommended that you bring with you your own food/water supplies as local suppliers may not be guaranteed to be open on the day of your event.

Good conduct

1. Do not damage plants, wildlife and or trees and show good respect towards local infrastructure and dry-stone walls not removing stones or damaging any free-standing item.

2. Please retain all your litter – we have a simple policy at Overlimits, it is “If it goes out with us it comes back with us”. If you see litter, collect it and drop it off at any of our main checkpoints. We conduct an annual litter pick details will be found on our events page.

3. Where there is no pavement, walk in single file on the right-hand side of the road to face oncoming traffic. Walk in single file when going up or down the 3 peaks – Large groups taking over mountain paths can alienate other walkers especially when faster walkers can’t get past due to slower walkers and using their walking poles wildly.

4. Be considerate to other walkers.

5. Support for local businesses – buy local, visit the local pubs, bars restaurants, stay local where possible – the tourist season is short for businesses in the Yorkshire Dales, do support them. Consider supporting “The Friends of the Yorkshire 3 Peaks” who maintain and repair the trails.

6. Walk only on paths – The Yorkshire 3 Peaks route has had much damage due to the erosion caused by thousands of walkers over the years as a result there is now a new trail that allows the original route to recover – do please stick to the new route paths. (A path is designated as being at least 1.2metres in width)

7. Do not pollute streams and reservoirs with rubbish and waste food or use them as lavatories.

8. Environmental issues – traffic pollution. Where possible do please car share and or use public transport.

9. Speeding and noise – Walkers that are running late to get to the start of the Y3P are often caught by the Police. Why risk 3 points and a fine or worse a serious accident – plan well and drive slowly, please consider the locals especially when driving into or out from Horton in Ribbledsale, no loud music on, no beeping of horns and loud celebrations when meeting fellow team members at any time. Be considerate.

10. Use gates and stiles to cross fences/walls and fasten all gates after using them.

11. Do not light fires.

12. All participants must obey The Country Code and the Laws and Byelaws of England and Wales as stated below and adhere to designated rights of way on tracks and paths on the route.


1. overlimits strongly recommend that you have the following before you start your event:

• Adequate Personal Equipment insurance (your valuable equipment is insured) 

• Earnings Insurance cover – to mitigate any loss of earnings should you have a serious injury and Life Insurance


1. No dogs are allowed on any overlimits event without permission and if permission is given you accept full legal responsibility for your dog.

2. overlimits accepts no responsibility whatsoever for your dog.

3. You must always have your dog under control.

4. Dog fouling must be cleared by the dog owner and appropriately disposed of.

5. Keep dogs on a lead when walking through farmland with any cattle or other livestock (unless threatened by cows – which you should let the dog run free).

6. Make sure your dog can walk the distance without suffering.

7. Ensure that your dog has sufficient water / food and protective equipment for the weather conditions

8. Be aware that is your responsibility to always have your dog under control by law, whistling and or shouting your dog’s name is not enough in some circumstances and irrespective of how well your dog is trained, they can and do react differently when livestock are present.

Cattle and sheep

1. Cattle and sheep should be approached with care; startled or just curious animals can and do act unpredictably.

2. If approached by cattle and you have a dog – release it immediately, it is usually the dog that the cattle are interested in scaring away.

3. Walking through livestock increases risk and as such best judgement should be made at that time, if you and or overlimits guides feel that risk is high then alternative routes should or will be sought.


1. Confidentiality: overlimits will not pass on personal information to any third party without your consent, except as may be required for the purposes of the event or subsequent events. 

2. All information provided will only be used for the purpose intended and or for marketing similar events, services, or products that we feel may be of interest to you within a reasonable and appropriate timescale.

3. overlimits abide by the regulations set by the GDPR 2018.


1. All information is produced in good faith that it is accurate at the time of publishing.

2. Always remain in a team unless otherwise instructed or cleared by the event organisers and or overlimits marshals.

3. Use of mobile phones for navigation – not appropriate as a solitary navigation tool but a useful aid.

4. When walking the Y3P on a marshalled event, stick to the paths and follow the written guided instructions, if you have any concerns about your whereabouts either stop and wait for others or return to your last known location or marshal. Our events are challenges not guided walks (unless otherwise instructed) and as such you are responsible for making your way to and from the checkpoints – we will always have marshals on the routes, written waterproof route instructions and supporting Mountain Leaders or guides / support crew walking amongst the group.

5. If you are planning on walking the Y3P do so either in a well led group who have a map, compass, and safety equipment or if you have the skills, with both map and compass or a GPS device. As mentioned in point number 4 you will be issued upon request, waterproof written instructions.

Any questions related to route navigation must be addressed prior to departing.

6. First Aid assistance will be available on the day by our roving event organiser and or marshals or other designated outdoor first aid or emergency support crew.

7. Event organisers/officials will recommend the withdrawal of anyone who they deem to be unfit to continue or who are unlikely to complete the challenge in the given cut off time/s. Persons ignoring such recommendation will cease to be the responsibility of the organisers. 

Overlimits crews are encouraged to do whatever they can (within their legal responsibilities) to discourage someone from continuing an event should the crew deem that the individual is putting themselves or others at risk by continuing.  

A robust approach may be taken as a last resort if we think that the person is in a heightened psychological or emotional state that to us appears to be impairing their safety judgement.     

8. overlimits take a very sympathetic approach to the often-unwelcome scenario of advising someone that they should not go further and will always aim to act with tact and diplomacy. Anyone who we ask to leave a route will be offered a complimentary alternative date to do it again (subject to availability and overlimits discretion) and encouraged to address the issue that has contributed to our/their decision to retire.

9. The organisers reserve the right to stop walkers and stop the event if to continue would be potentially dangerous, (e.g., severe weather/other). Anyone who then decides to continue will do so at their own risk and will not be the responsibility of overlimits.


1. overlimits its employees, marshals or agents cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personal effects, accident, injury, or death howsoever arising, except where injury or death arises because of overlimits employees, marshals, or agent’s negligence.

2. When making your booking it is implied and accepted that you have read and understood all these booking conditions and agree to abide by them.

3. Acceptance of good conduct guide and terms and conditions:

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions and confirm that I am medically fit to participate in the challenge and understand that by doing so I am acknowledging the risks associated with it.

I am aware that it is my responsibility to inform overlimits of any changes to my circumstances that may affect my ability to complete this challenge.

By taking part in an overlimits event, signing up with any of our event partners or clients or signing up directly with overlimits you agree to the above terms.

The Mountain Leader award (ML) is a recognised award by insurers and is one of the highest awards for leading/guiding within the United Kingdom.

Any company using outdoor guides should consider not just their award but their level of experience in doing the event/challenge that they are hiring for.

The ML is a useful qualification that many outdoor event organisers insist is a minimum criteria for competent delivery. overlimits back up the ML award with continued professional development through and with the Mountain Training Association, outdoor emergency planning and procedures alongside regular and continued outdoor first aid training.

Whilst having a (ML/other) outdoor qualification is useful, it is not the only criteria that we use for delivering events, we are also IOSH (Health and Safety) qualified with Masters level Leadership, Customer Service and Management awards.

Whilst many of our crew are Mountain Leader qualified, we also have several who are not – (they do not always need to be) they do need to be competent in the delivery of their role (often checkpoint marshals or event support) and as such are recruited and trained by KO. Our crew undergo pre season training that includes emergency procedures, outdoor first aid and customer service.   

Some crew members have started without any outdoor qualifications and used their overlimits event support experience to gain the Mountain Leader award.

“There Are Two Primary Choices in Life: to Accept Conditions as They Exist, or Accept the Responsibility for Changing Them.” ~ Denis Waitley

Want to improve your personal and professional results? Overlimits can help you achieve your goals. Contact us and let us know what we can do for you.