Does your breathing enhance your performance?

Does your breathing enhance your performance?


Breathing plays an essential role in human performance, be it at home, work or when exercising as it is the key to delivering oxygen to our muscles and energy systems. It can even help athletes reach their physical peak. 

As such, understanding how to effectively breathe is not only beneficial, but necessary for those who want to optimise their mental or physical performance. 

This guide aims to provide the knowledge and tools to help you learn how to breathe properly during physical or non-physical activity. 

A Guide to Effective Breathing for Maximum Exercise Performance

Having the knowledge and tools to breathe properly during physical or non physical activity is essential for those who want to optimise their mental or physical performance. 

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, this guide aims to provide the knowledge and tools to help you learn how to breathe effectively. Through exploring the basics of breathing, proper breathing techniques, and how to maintain proper breathing during and after exercise, this guide will help people of all levels get the most out of their breathing.

The Basics of Breathing

Understanding the anatomy of the respiratory system and how it works is the first step in understanding how to effectively breathe. The respiratory system is made up of the nose, mouth, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. The air we breathe in is taken in through the nose or mouth and travels down the throat and into the larynx. The larynx is then responsible for allowing air to enter the trachea, which branches off into the bronchi and then into the lungs. Once the air reaches the lungs, it is then distributed throughout the body to provide oxygen to the cells and to help remove carbon dioxide.

The diaphragm is a large muscle located in the abdomen that is responsible for regulating the rate and depth of breathing. When the diaphragm contracts, it causes the lungs to expand, allowing for more air to be drawn in. When the diaphragm relaxes, it causes the lungs to deflate, allowing the air to be expelled.

Proper Breathing Techniques

As previously mentioned, understanding the anatomy of the respiratory system and how it works is key to effective breathing. There are several tips and techniques one can use to improve their breathing during exercise.

The first tip is to focus on using your nose as much as possible when breathing. The nasal passage is designed to filter and warm the air we breathe in, and thus helps to reduce the strain on the lungs. It is also important to take deep, controlled breaths, as this helps to ensure that oxygen is being distributed throughout the body more efficiently. Additionally, it is important to keep a steady and consistent breathing pattern, as this helps to maintain a consistent level of oxygen in the body.

Use your nose as often as possible.

It is also important to pay attention to your breathing during exercise, as it can help to increase the effectiveness of your workout. Taking diaphragmatic controlled breaths can help to increase oxygen intake, which can help to improve performance and endurance. Additionally, focusing on your breath can help you to stay focused and present in the moment, which can help to improve your overall performance.

The importance of using the nose for breathing

Using the nose for breathing is essential for proper breathing technique. The nasal passage is designed to filter and warm the air we breathe in, and thus helps to reduce the strain on the lungs. Additionally, it can help to improve oxygen intake, which is essential for physical performance.

The nose also creates nitric oxide essential for regulating blood pressure, transmits signals between neurons and suppresses pathogens (bugs). Its most important function is vasodilation, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation.

Nitric oxide production is essential for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.

A limited capacity to produce nitric oxide is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction.

Use your nose as often as possible.

When breathing through the nose, it is important to ensure that the breath is deep and controlled. The breath should be slow and steady and should be focused on the abdomen and chest. Additionally, it is important to keep the mouth closed when breathing through the nose, as this helps to ensure that the air is being filtered and warmed before it is taken in.

How to Maintain Proper Breathing During Exercise

When exercising, it is important to maintain proper breathing technique. This can be done by focusing on taking deep, controlled breaths and ensuring that a steady and consistent breathing pattern is maintained. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to how the breath is affecting the body, as this can help to ensure that the body is receiving enough oxygen to support the physical activity.

Use your nose as often as possible.

It is also important to focus on exhaling deeply, as this can help to expel the carbon dioxide and waste products from the body. Additionally, this can help to reduce fatigue and improve overall performance.


Oxygen is essential for physical performance, as it is the key to delivering energy to the muscles. When exercising, it is important to ensure that the body is receiving enough oxygen to support the activity. This can be done by focusing on taking controlled breaths, as this helps to ensure that oxygen is being delivered to the muscles more efficiently. Additionally, focusing on exhaling deeply can help to expel the carbon dioxide and waste products from the body.

Benefits of Proper Breathing Techniques

There are numerous benefits associated with proper breathing techniques. The most notable benefit is that it can help to improve physical performance, as it helps to ensure that oxygen is being delivered to the muscles more efficiently. Additionally, proper breathing techniques can help to improve endurance, reduce fatigue, and reduce the risk of injury.

Other benefits of proper breathing techniques include improved focus and concentration, improved posture, and improved mental clarity. Additionally, proper breathing can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on overall health and wellbeing.

Focussed nasal breathing also aids in the reduction of water intakes.

Use your nose as often as possible.

Common Mistakes

There are several common mistakes athletes make when it comes to breathing. The most common mistake is not breathing deeply enough from and through the diaphragm. When exercising, it is important to focus on taking slow controlled breaths, as this helps to ensure that oxygen is being delivered to the muscles more efficiently.

Another common mistake is holding the breath during exercise. This can lead to an increase in heart rate and a decrease in oxygen intake, which can ultimately lead to fatigue and reduced performance. Additionally, it is important to avoid rapid, shallow upper chest breathing, as this can lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen being delivered to the muscles.

Use your nose as often as possible.

Breath Training

Breath training is an essential component of proper breathing technique. This involves focusing on taking deep, controlled diaphragm breaths on a regular basis, as this helps to ensure that the body is receiving enough oxygen to support the activity. Additionally, breath training can help to improve focus and concentration, as it helps to keep the mind present in the moment.

When breath training, it is important to focus on the breath and to ensure that the breath is slow and steady. Additionally, it is important to focus on the abdomen and chest when breathing, as this helps to ensure that the breath is deep and controlled.


Effective breathing is essential for proper physical and mental performance. Through exploring the basics of breathing, proper breathing techniques, and how to maintain proper breathing during and after exercise, this guide has provided the knowledge and tools to help people of all levels get the most out of their breathing.

The most important thing to remember is to focus on taking deep, slower controlled nasal breaths that are from and through the diaphragm, as this helps to ensure that oxygen is being delivered to the muscles more efficiently. Additionally, it is important to focus on exhaling slowly deeply, as this can help to expel the carbon dioxide and waste products from the body. 

Lastly, it is important to practice breath training on a regular basis, as this can help to improve focus and concentration and reduce stress and anxiety.

By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can help to ensure that you are getting the most out of your breathing when exercising, after exercise or engaging in any other activity that may require mental clarity, focus and enhanced breathing.

“There Are Two Primary Choices in Life: to Accept Conditions as They Exist, or Accept the Responsibility for Changing Them.” ~ Denis Waitley

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